
Method for dry cleaning various clothes by hand

Column:Industry News Time:2015-02-15
Some people may ask: Is it necessary to wash the laundry with an industrial washing machine? Not necessarily, there is another washing method. The industrial washing machine manufacturer tells you

Some people may ask: Is it necessary to wash the laundry with an industrial washing machine? Not necessarily, there is another washing method. The industrial washing machine manufacturer tells you that this is cleaning with dry cleaning equipment, also called chemical cleaning. Clothing made of high-grade fabrics, clothes that are not too dirty and do not need to be washed in an industrial washing machine, or large shapes that cannot be washed in an industrial washing machine can be washed with a dry cleaning device.

As with industrial washing machines, dry cleaning also requires detergent. Grease and dirt on the fabric are usually scrubbed with gasoline. In fact, all organic fatty solvents can be used, such as trichloroethylene, acetone, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, alcohol, turpentine and so on. Not only do they dissolve oils, but they also remove the dirt that binds them together from the fabric as the solvent evaporates. When using dry cleaning detergents, choose pure light gasoline so as not to affect the color of the clothes. But be aware that these organic solvents also degrease the skin. Therefore, when you dry clean, if you have gasoline on your hands, you should immediately wash it off with glycerin and medicated soap to avoid skin degreasing and roughening turpentine. It is more effective for washing paint, asphalt and lamp smoke on clothes. It evaporates slowly, and is also suitable for drying light and thin texture. If it is mixed with oily soil, a variety of organic solvents can be mixed and used for better results. Generally, the lotion for dry cleaning in the home is gasoline. When cleaning, one brush and one brush, two dry towels, one washbasin, and one small watering can if necessary.

Dry-cleaning all kinds of clothes should be done carefully, and a little carelessness will cause accidents and cause unnecessary trouble. Ventilate and dry all kinds of clothing before dry cleaning, and tap lightly to remove surface dust. When using gasoline, pay attention to anti-inflammatory, and allow it to be worn and stored after the gasoline has completely evaporated.

When using water and detergent topically, wait until all clothes are dry before wearing or storing. Dry cleaning appliances should be kept clean to avoid contaminating clothing during use.
